6 Reasons Why Joan Burton Is A Bigger Fascist Than You!

6 Reasons Why Joan Burton Is A Bigger Fascist Than You!

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So I was in the car and got thinking about Fascism..

So I was in the car and got thinking about Fascism…….. It was harder than you think….

1 Actual Fascism in Ireland Joan….

The first one is a bit fish in a barrel but anyways. Joan Burton is in government with a party that grew out of fascism. Fine Gael supported the murdering psychotic regimes of Franco in Spain and had many members deeply sympathetic to Hilter and Nazism. Some of its Irish fascists also set up the first Irish police force. (worth a bit of thinking on itself but thats anothers days blog).

Supporting fascists is pretty fascist, and getting into bed with a party borne of fascism is definitely more fascist that blocking an Irish water truck.

2 Totalitarian Cowardice Joan…..

Joan Burtons government recently signed a secret agreement to give unfettered access to US and UK gov to all your communications with the outside world. This includes you emails, social media platforms, landline and mobile phone calls. EVERYTHING. Section 541 enacts the third part of the 2008 Criminal Justice (Mutual Assistance) Act, and enable telecommunication companies to be brought to court in secret for not handing over any information required. Given all that we know from Wikileaks and the practices of GCHQ, NSA etc from Snowden leaks, its clear that Burton’s government is an open collaborator in the development of an international surveillance apparatus that acts outside any genuine democratic control. The fact that the Irish state is a weak coward in this international dynamic make is no less complicit. The bang of totalitarianism is evident to most breathing creatures.

3 Police checkpoints for workers Joan….

In 2013 Joan Burton proposed setting up police checkpoints on industrial estates, building sites and other workplace as part of an effort to tackle welfare fraud. The welfare fraud she was speaking about wasn’t the handing our taxes to people like Denis O Brien in the form of debt write downs or state contract in dodgy circumstances. Instead she was talking about a tiny number of people “doing the double”. To be clear this isnt the “Double Irish” that allows companies to avoid paying taxes, but rather focuses on working class people living hand to mouth in precarious situtations. Compare the setting up of police checkpoints around the country with the fact that the state has only ONE forensic accountant examining the cooked books of Anglo. A state that polices the poor while letting itself be run for corporate benefit is a widely recognised element of fascist states. That’s you that is Joan.

4 Organised humiliation and revictimisation Joan……

Joan stands over government policies that actually scream organised cruelty and purpose-filled punishment. The most recent is the symphysiotomy redress scheme. The Irish state for decades covered up the extent and lived reality of women who were literally sawed up by hospital under state supervision. The HSE continued this cover up. Now Burtons government came up with a plan to ‘resolve’ the fact of state violence, but gagging the women with forcing crumpled hard cash into their mouth. The redress system is simply yet another abuse of women that essentially tells them to take the money and shut up, or fuck off and die. For those that bring feminist arguments into Burtons car being blockaded. I’d take it more seriously if you abandoned the fascistic tendency to ‘resolve’ state abuses with more violence, hurt and indifference wrapped up with euros and a bow of spin.

5 Paramilitaries for Denis Joan……

Masked up men from private corporations and intelligence companies run by former Irish Rangers like IRMS and Guardex are turning up regularly in our streets and communities. They are threatening people taking part in openly organised protest and civil disobedience. They film and photo us, tell us they know were we live and generally try to intimidate us. This is the new normal at Irish Water protests across the country. Privatised police forces working ultimately for Denis O Briens, though paid for by our own taxes are yet another example of a state in fear. The political class that created a crisis of legitimacy for its own class by just doing what they do. Yet they seem convinced that seeking to suppress democratic public dissent will ultimately keep them in power. While Joan moans about being blockade in her car for a couple of hours, her government expands privatised political policing into our communities and expects us to stay silent and intimidated. The same megalomaniac, socio-pathic tendencies have been part of every fascistic movement that ever existed.

6 Just a technocrat Joan….

Joan and her government always talk about “putting people back to work” The language and sentiments underpinning it should cause everyone concern. It puts front and center the vision (or lack thereof) of neoliberal ideologies and parties. Our lives are little more than things to be managed by the state and for capital. Sources close to Burton have outlined very clearly to me that she hold the views that there are the deserving poor and the undeserving poor. As an unreconstructed tory, Burton has little grasp of political economy, but rather has residual hatred of the working class she cant relate to. She belongs to a political class that sees themselves first and foremost as technocrats of late capitalism. They have no need for any type of inspiring political and social vision even as all the figure demostrate growing inequality. Instead they seek only to work within the confines of political decision making that rewards low cunning much more than integrity, intellectual vigor, and emotional literacy. They play willing second fiddle undemocratic supra national economic institutions. Our lives are nothing more than measurable metrics in an amoral logic. And amorality is a deliberate strategy. Once you evacuate care, compassion and justice from the broader framework of decision making, then you dont have to deal with the cognitive dissonance of thinking yourself just a person trying to do a difficult job, and the reality that you are part of a system of organised hurt. Such cognitive dissonances on a large political scale is a founding part of all fascistic tendencies that have ever developed actual power. Rejecting such cognitive dissonances is key to ensuring actual fascism cant get a foothold.

To be clear, I dont think we live in a fascist state, nor indeed to I think Joan Burton is a fascist. She is merely the leader of a party polling at 5% and panicking. A “Labour”party that pretends it was the voice of a working class, lead by someone with disdain for the lived reality of most people who are working class. Her talk of fascism merely seeks to put people off looking at left wing ideas and getting involved in emerging spaces of participatory politics outside the control of electoral pantomines

Bizarrely she doesnt seem to get that Fascism is a ideology of the right not of the left. If she read into the history of her current partners in government she would know that. Perhaps next time Joan is locked in car for two hours, or even locked over the Christmas she could spend her time more fruitfully reading on Fascism by looking at wikipedia on her smartphone.

6 thoughts on “6 Reasons Why Joan Burton Is A Bigger Fascist Than You!

  1. Pingback: 6 Reasons Why Joan Burton Is A Bigger Fascist Than You! - Fliuch Off Irish Water

  2. “Fascism is not in itself a new order of society. It is the future refusing to be born.” Aneurin Bevan, 1897-1960.

    6 Just a technocrat Joan….

    Joan and her government always talk about “putting people back to work”

    Arbeit Macht Frei??


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